Katherine Randolph
Kat Randolph began her career in New York, working at Christies the auction house as a Specialist in Classical Chinese Paintings. After work, she took drawing classes at the Art Students League. She pivoted her career from the world of art to high tech, and moved to Seattle to work for Microsoft. Within a week of arriving in Seattle, she enrolled in drawing classes with Gary Faigin at The Academy of Realist Art, which would become Gage Academy. A devotee to lifelong learning and the “growth mindset”, Kat loved the school’s motto “Artists are Made, not Born”. Over the years, Kat has been a consistent supporter, and sometimes student, of Gage, and has traveled on Gage trips to London, Vancouver, New York, Berlin, Munich and Vienna.
Kat is currently a Principal Product Director at Microsoft, where she leads business strategy and analytics for the Windows Apps and Games store. Kat has a BA from Yale and an MBA from Harvard. She and her husband have three kids in college. She has served on many boards, including the Seattle Asian Art Museum advisory board, and the Mount Baker Community Board. She currently serves as the VP of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion on the Executive Board of the Boys Scouts of America Chief Seattle Council. After many years supporting Gage from the sidelines, she’s excited to join the board to help Gage expand its reach to more, and more diverse budding artists of all ages.