Creating a Visual Book: From Start to Finish

Creating a Visual Book: From Start to Finish

January 23 - March 27
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
All Levels

This class is an opportunity to create a book based on a theme of your choice. Your theme or concept may lean on anything from daily life to memories, or even a color or a word. Together we will explore ways to create individual pages and by the end of class bind them into a finished piece. If you have needed the discipline, time, space and support to finish a project (a huge self-esteem booster!) this is a place to make it happen. This class is for all levels, from beginning creator to those more experienced. Techniques will include collage, photography, drawing, ink, pop-up pages, stencil, abstraction and more — along with weekly free-writing sessions. Each week includes a slide show with discussion, an exercise in technique, plus a longer assignment followed by a group critique. We also have Show-and-Tell where students may introduce an artist or writer they like to the class or show work they have done during the week. If you are currently working on a project, Edie will be glad to shape your assignments to it. Homework is given but optional.

No class on January 16th.

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