Constructive Head Drawing

Constructive Head Drawing

April 13 - June 15
6:30 PM - 9:30 PM
All Levels
In this 10-week online class, we will explore in-depth how to draw the human head with an emphasis on volumetric construction, expressive rhythms, tonal organization, and character. This constructive approach will empower you to quickly identify and indicate the key structural landmarks of the head, allowing you to capture its form, character, and expression quickly and effectively.

Drawing from a variety of photographic references and masterworks, we will learn how to construct the head from the ground up, applying the knowledge to a variety of characters, expressions, ages, and types. Classes will meet weekly via Zoom, and will include lectures, individual and group feedback, as well as instructor demonstrations in both digital and traditional media.

Topics covered include:
- The 5 minute lay-in
- The three key masses of the skull
- 2 proportional systems
- The key anatomical landmarks of the head
- Head and neck
- Comparative approaches to the planes of the head
- The Reilly rhythms as beyond
- Anatomical rhythms and their expressive power
- Light logic: the 2-value system and the 5-value system
- Anatomical and structural breakdown of the facial features
- Likeness, Character and Expression
- The effects of age
- The anatomy of expression: facial expressions
- Drawing hair
- Value organization and tonal composition