Core Drawing: Places

Core Drawing: Places

April 10 - June 12
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
This 10-week class is set up for the developing and the experienced artist looking to create better representations of the world in front of them. In virtually every scenario of rendering an object or a place, there is the challenge of credible orientation of that object and the space it exists within. The purpose of this course is to gain an understanding how to solve these problems and practice the methods applied when creating pictorial spaces. Drawing Places is an introduction to the principles of linear perspective and the traditional processes used to impress an illusion of depth and three-dimensions on a flat surface. Working inventively and perceptually, students will work step by step with the instructor to create drawings depicting form and space while utilizing the elements of one and two-point perspective. Students will leave with the ability to solve challenging pictorial problems involving foreshortened forms and depth of space.