Mark Kang-O'Higgins


Paul Manaster

Mark Kang-O'Higgins/Marcas O'Huiginn has led the KOH atelier since 2004. He has taught this contemporary approach to fine art at several schools and academies including the Leith School of Art Edinburgh, Scotland. The Riverdale Kingsbridge Academy in New York, Everett Community College WA, and Digipen Institute of Technology, Redmond WA. Kang-O'Higgins is a working artist who displays his work in a number of different gallery and museum venues. Recent gallery & museum venues include, Davidson Gallery, Linda Hodge Gallery, Pro-graphica, 4Culture, Seattle Art Museum Gallery, Mary Hill Art Museum, Bainbridge Island Art Museum, Bellvue Arts Museum, San Juan Island Art Museum amongst others. Kang-O'Higgins has earned a BA & MA in Sociology & Politics from Ollscoil na Gaillimhe - University of Galway, Ireland, a BFA & earned his MFA at the New York Academy of Art.

Instagram:  @markkangohiggins
