The Drawing Atelier is designed for artists of all levels and backgrounds wanting strong drawing skills at the core of their artistic arsenal. The program is dedicated to the media and language of drawing, particularly focusing on the human figure. Although drawing is often seen as a precursor to painting or sculpture, the Atelier is grounded in the belief that drawing can stand as its own medium - one that continues to inspire artists as they develop their artistic vision.
Students engage in a personal and collective exploration of drawing techniques, surfaces, and materials. You will gain a profound understanding of how to construct the human form while also working on varying subjects from imagination and still imagery. The goal is to develop drawing proficiency, which in turn allows for personal artistic exploration and development.
The Drawing Atelier offers the opportunity to study core drawing fundamentals and advanced techniques with artist Geoff Flack. This in-person, multi-year program offers an immersive learning environment of diverse student artists of all backgrounds and abilities.
Extension Programs
We are excited to offer two Atelier extension programs;
The Core Drawing Practicum
A preparatory program for the Atelier. Develop studio practices while receiving mentorship. Recommended to take alongside Core Drawing Classes.
The Advanced Drawing Seminar
A post-Atelier program for Alum. Receive continued, in-depth critical feedback and community enrichment.
Time Commitment
This Atelier is a 3 year program.
Year One: Solidify the core principles of drawing and gain command of basic tools, techniques, and mark-making vocabulary.
Year Two: Dive deeper into the figure's construction and explore a range of historical and contemporary drawing techniques.
Year Three: Develop a body of work that realizes your inner vision through the language of drawing.
Artists will develop drawings that hold their own alongside a painting or sculpture, as opposed to a drawing as a means of preparation for such mediums.
Tuesday, Thursday 9:30am-4:30pm (Instructed) and Wednesday 9:30am-12:30pm (Uninstructed). Students will have access to a model between 9-15 hours per week and personal studio spaces available.
Fall: Start date in September.
Winter: Start date in January.
Spring: Start date in April.