Portrait Painting: Learning to Observe and Interpret
Dominique Medici
In this 10 week portrait painting class we learn how to demystify portrait painting by breaking down the pose with a manageable and systematic 4 step process. We learn how to accurately mix any color by working with a limited palette of 7 colors. The primary palette will deepen our understanding of the relationship between hue value, chroma. and will learn how to mix flesh tones in 3 simple steps. We will paint 1 or 2 portraits per day and learn how to get a good likeness in a limited time frame.
In this class you will learn how to…
Simplify and translate proportions from 3d- 2d
Average and mass values shapes
Create 4 types of contrast in your painting
Mix any color in just 3 steps
interpreting colors when they aren't obvious
How to troubleshoot when things go awry