Rose Frantzen


Paul Manaster

A native of Maquoketa, Iowa, Rose Frantzen has gained national and international acclaim for her oil paintings from life that bring contemporary perspectives to a traditional alla prima approach. In addition to landscapes, still lifes, and figurative works, Frantzen creates serial and allegorical works that incorporate diverse stylistic elements along with gilding, stained glass, and mosaic.

Frantzen is a frequent demonstrator, guest lecturer, and panelist discussing art and the artist's life in the 21st century at museums and national art conventions. Her paintings have been featured in numerous national and international art magazines and journals, and she has been a frequent faculty member at the Portrait Society of America's Annual Conference, demonstrating portrait painting.

Frantzen studied at the American Academy of Art in Chicago, the Palette & Chisel Academy with Richard Schmid, and at the Lyme Academy College of Fine Arts, studying anatomy with the late Deane G. Keller.

Instagram: @rosefrantzen
