Next Level Campaign
The Gage Next Level Campaign surpassed all expectations. Many thanks to our supporters!
Following the success of our Next Level Campaign, we are thrilled to announce our relocation to a new, central location in South Lake Union: 2107 Westlake Ave. This move was made possible thanks to the incredible support from our community—those who donated their services, time, and money, and helped us transition into this beautiful, street-facing, fully accessible, purpose-built space we proudly call home. To learn more about what we’ve been able to accomplish in the first three months in our new SLU home, view this report.
Capacity Campaign Donors
(Alphabetized by last name)
Abbott Construction
The Alben Foundation
Kathleen Allen
Eve Anderson
Marcia Baltrusis
Sarah Banks
Anne and Geof Barker
Ann Beame
Pamela Belyea and Gary Faigin
Catherine Bohlke
Nancy Brainard
Shawn Brinsfield
Phoebe Brockman
Jean Chen
Ida Cole
Ellen Cooper
Anita and Jack Dingrani
Sudeshna Dixit
Domain Tools
David Dwyer and Robert Zat
Susan Edelheit
Fred and Anne Feiertag
Mary Fisher
Bill Fletcher
Sean Freeman
Fremont Consulting
Sandra Gan, Nathaniel Yee, and Carolyn Yee
Barbara and Ted Gauld
Christine and David Gedye
Nicholas and Tamara Gellert
Jannes Waples Gibson
Jacqueline Goldsby
Kathy Goodwind
Erik and Evy Haroldson
Racha Haroun
Sarah Hart
Sharon Hazzard
Liz and Anders Hejlsberg
Melinda Hord
Treg Isaacson
JJ Jacobi
Pamela Johnson and Carl Haefling
Gordon Keating
Linda Keene
Judy Kimmelman and Bob McRuer
Abby Kliger
Elaine LaTourelle
Flora Ling and Paul Sturm
Christopher Lye
Madison Family Foundation
Connie Mao and Benjamin Kahrl
Jennie Mao and Shireen Khan
Lyn McCoy and Rick Szeliski
Gaylene and Seth Meyer
Laura and David Midgely
G. Andy Miller
Sundee Morris and Crispin Wilhelm
Meg Murch
Christopher Nelson
Norcliffe Foundation
S Glynn Olive
Darcy Parker
Alison Parks
Kyle and Michele Peltonen
Patricia Pugsley
Robert Raab and Kathleen Mahan
Kat Randolph and Kyle Wang
Raynier Institute and Foundation
Antonia Richards
David Robbins
Elizabeth and Jonathan Roberts
John and Emily Robinson
K. Robinson
Katherine and Robert Roseth
John A. Ryan, Jr. M.D. and Jody Foster
Robin Sanders
Kali Sakai
Bruce Scott
Nirupa Shah and Satish Bhagwanjee
Shel and Paula Silverberg
Stephen Smith
Julia Stanton
Anne Steele
Strachan-Gilmore Family
Stephen Strong and Lorri Falterman
Julie Tall
Tax Payers of Washington
Pamela and Ron Taylor
Jeanne Marie Thomas
Po-Yan Tsang
Unity Technologies
Roger Willsie and Jan Eisenhardt
Tracy Wise
Scott and Jenny Wyatt
Leslie Yamada

A new home for Gage
Your support funded major initiatives
- 14,000+ square feet of studio and classroom space in a highly-visible, corner location
- Easy access to a wide range of public transportation options, onsite free parking and charging, and secure bicycle parking
- Six flexible spaces to house a library, event hall, and conference rooms
- Gallery and arts lecture space to share student artwork with our community
- Dedicated media room for digital learning, with technology infrastructure to record online classes and photograph artwork
- Full ADA-compliance, modern air filtration, fire and safety features, and comfortable temperature controls
- Beautiful natural light and controllable lighting systems to suit a range of artists’ needs
- Strengthening our outreach and communication approach with a new, modern Gage brand.
What's next?
Drawing on our legacy, shaping our future.
Your continued support is essential for us to invest in our people and systems, ensuring we thrive and contribute to the revitalization of downtown Seattle and our broader community.
- Maintaining community access to free or low-cost classes, tuition assistance, and scholarships that serve a wide range of beginning and professional artists.
- Expanding our education reach to more diverse students, both online and in-person.
- Ensuring excellence in both teaching and running our programs by investing in our talented teachers, artists, and staff.
- Improving our ability to manage student registration, customer service, and donor community outreach with secure, modern systems and databases.
- Providing lunchtime and after-work programming for returning office workers, plus evening and weekend activities for downtown residents.
- Partnering with our SLU culture district neighbors including Cornish College of the Arts, SIFF’s Cinerama, MOHAI, and the Center for Wooden Boats.
- Activating SLU as a creative hub, where arts, tech, and other vital sectors thrive in co-existence, nurturing the vibrance and creativity that makes Seattle a great place to live and work.

Make your gift
Thank you to our
Facilities Task Force
Nirupa Shah, Facilities Task Force Chair, Gage Trustee
Connie Mao, Gage Board President
Scott Wyatt, NBBJ Consulting Partner
Paul Suzman, Principal, OfficeLease
Rob Raab, Community Volunteer
Mike Magrath, Faculty Chair and Sculpture Atelier Director
Daniel Reveles, Director of Operations and Information
Kathleen Allen, Executive Director

Our move is made possible with generous support from Amazon in the form of rent assistance over a ten-year lease, as well as funds to partially offset the cost of construction and space improvements. Read our features in The Seattle Times and Geekwire.