The Art and Science of Drawing

The Art and Science of Drawing

May 16 - June 13
9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
All Levels

This course will demystify the drawing process, from start to finish. There will be a focus on both observational and conceptual work, and a thorough coverage of materials, methods and processes. You will even learn a new way of sharpening your pencils! Using the figure and still lifes, topics will include perspective, contour, light & shadow, composition, mark making, sighting angles, and the different types of papers and pencils available to the artist. Each weekly assignment will build on the previous one to provide a thorough understanding of principles. Students will develop their artistic eye as well as their hand. As time allows, special topics may include; red chalk drawing, how to use white chalk for highlights, how to make your own toned paper. Open to all levels, this open-studio class may be taken more than once. Returning students will take on more complex drawings. This is the second half of two sessions. Students may choose to take one 5-week section, however the full lesson plan comprises 10 weeks.

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